Kristina Koneva



I started playing tennis when I was about 8 years old when I first enrolled to a local tennis club. I immediately fell in love with the sport, so I kept taking tennis lessons for about 5-6 years. Although I stopped taking lessons, I never stopped playing. I often play with my brother and my friends. It’s an amazing sport for muscle strengthening, improving body coordination and cardio.

young Kristina tennis photo Kristina tennis photo
junior tennis competition group photo


From a very early age, when I was about 4 years old, my father taught me how to ski. My whole family is obsessed with skiing, so when the winter season starts, as soon as the ski centers open, we are on the slopes, spending the whole day skiing and enjoying the mountains.

young Kristina ski photo Kristina ski photo ski photo
Kristina ski photo with her brother Kristina ski photo with her father group ski photo ski photo


snowboarding photo snowboarding with a dog snowboarding with a friend

Since I have been skiing for over 15 years now, in 2019, I decided to try snowboarding as well. It was a new interesting challenge for me and it turned out to be a lot easier than I expected. I am still a lot better at skiing than snowboarding (obviously experience plays a big role), however, snowboarding added an extra fun activity to do during winter. Now I have the opportunity to switch back and forth from my skis to my snowboard depending on what I feel like doing that day.

Additional sports

Some of my other favorite sports include: riding a bike, hiking, playing football, ice-skating, etc.

hiking photo kayaking photo golf photo rock-climbing photo riding a bike photo